Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 8th:

We hooked up condenser microphone elements by using both of our headsets. We got it to work!!!!! but in further testing last night one microphone doesn't work as well as the other and will need to be inspected more. We had a lot of problems trying to get the soldering gun to work but for the first run I think its pretty good. I'm going to make another set this week so we can both have one to work with.

I showed Ann a grant that we could have a good chance at getting but it is based on internet work or using the internet in some way that is important for the work to progress. I came across this link yesterday that I think brings up some good ideas though I think Matt Locke's presentation might be more relevant but I think it is a way to connect not only with the queries of reality and ones physical experience along with Anns queries on data mapping. Here's the link

Some of the ideas that I picked up from the show are:

Making difference, an impact, or change in the community or is someones lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be big but just have a personal impact to people.

Story telling.

Using google maps

How could you use the web to make people closer to their reality? To have people look at their surroundings a little closer?

Users being enmeshed with what happens and the documentation of what occurs.

How do you do an interactive story that allows people to use it how they want?

Playing hide and seek on the web. Instead of making a website maybe we could just create ads to put on websites that people can engage with?

What are our constraints?

How do you write outside time?

How do you move beyond your comfort zones?

Creating a character and letting people take it and create a world about and around that character.

Creating stories for different forms of attention or different understandings of time. What is the time span for what we will be working with?


  1. Jen, That was really great. I work a lot with oblique strategies or other fluxus-style constraints when I'm having trouble getting started.

    In terms of the theme of stories, and some of the tours we've taken or wanted to take, I like the idea of an underground, possibly non-linear narrative made up of audio and video samples and possibly bits of text. I like the idea of leaving things out for others to engage in. For example: Our local library is so BAD and they refuse donations of books, saying they don't have room for them, while some of the books there are old used textbooks. So we go "Reverse borrowing" and we sneak good books onto the shelves. Not sure if they're getting signed out or else taken home without sign-out and never returning again, but either way, we're giving the books a new life, and at the library no less.
    Ideas of empowerment, engagement, and personal/public narrative are ones that resonate with me.
    I also think that bringing two "communities" together through some sort of shared experience is important, too.

    what do stories do? Where are they appearing? Why are they good. What is it about them that is changing how we tell stories now?

    Jeremy ettinghausen:
    "You suck at photoshop" is a story told about donny through a series of tutorials

    Matt's "Surrender control"
    are you awake? are you in love? dial a friend's phone number but one number different and see if you can keep them talking.

    story on google maps, info graphics, live storytelleing (typing)

    forestory/ mtv ethical entertaining project "i am cherry girl" a character created by scarletmark company. THis character takes a journey through ny and leave pieces of paper talking about small acts of kindness that people can do. focused on having strong character and strong voice


    a game where you can learn about how putting your info up online can give others ammo against you

    oblique strategies for storytelling:
    hide stories in unexpected places: calendars,
    give yourself ridiculous constraints (140 characters in order to create a strong emotion)
    writing "outside time" or outside traditional methods/mediums
    character -based and see what happens to the character
    empower the fans and keep the story from becoming passive
    create stories that people can binge on- dont make assumptions on people's attention span

  2. I also like the idea of having time that isn't linear. Maybe the story could start in multiple ways or the end could be used as the beginning and then taken somewhere else from there. Starting stories with numerous beginnings and seeing where people take them from there.
